Our blog archives

How can we make levelling up work?
Blog by Paul Warner is Director of Strategy and Business Development at The Association of Employment and Learning Providers.

If we’re serious about skills and levelling up we need a policy landscape that supports aspirations of lifelong learning and practice-oriented complex skills
Blog by Professor Nic Beech, Vice-Chancellor, Middlesex University.

Why Lord Blunkett is right to call for the return of individual learning accounts
Blog by Jane Hickie, Chief Executive of Association of Employment and Learning Providers.

The Skills Bill and lifelong learning – where are we, and what do we need?
Blog from Lewis Cooper. Lewis is Director of the Independent Commission on the College of the Future.

Why has the TES decided not to cover Further Education?
Blog from Anya Cook. Anya is a trade union activist sitting on the Socialist Educational Association’s national executive.

Is higher education’s post-pandemic future blended?
Article by Professor Patrick Bailey, Interim Chief Executive, MillionPlus

Dame Ruth Silver DBE and Dr Deirdre Hughes OBE
What should a new lifelong learning strategy include? – HE, FE, national, local, inequality and opportunity.

Tom Wilson: Its time to rebuild our learning at work system
Tom Wilson argues that the right to learn is meaningless if it doesn't include rights at work itself.

Joel Petrie: Reigniting Lifelong Learning’s Cinders
Joel Petrie argues that lifelong learning should be seen as a non-partisan national priority.

Right2Learn: what we did in our first 90 days
Read about the first 90 days of our campaign and about how you can get involved.

Simon McGrath: What can be learnt from the international right to education movement?
For campaigners there is much to learn from the international 'right to education movement argues Simon Mcgrath.

Tom Bewick: The skills White paper falls short of a universalist approach to lifelong learning
When it comes to lifelong learning why can’t we adopt the universalism of the NHS asks Tom Bewick.